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XL Endpoint Security Protection Plan

Protect your mobile laptop, desktops, tablets, servers, and virtual machine devices from cyber attacks with endpoint protection. The cyber attacks may include phishing, malware, ransomware, spear-phishing, and other types. This free trial offer starts on April 1st, 2020 and ends in 30 days.

All your devices are the endpoints which would be protected. With our large list of third party partners, we can offer you the best solution beyond your expectation.


Why do we need endpoint protection?

Endpoint security protection minimizes the risk of the network attacks which take advantage of the employees through social engineering and phishing emails.  With industry leading threat intelligence and next-generation protection , the fast deployment scans help you lower software conflicts  and TCO. Save the time and money while having the best security protection for your business or home.

Businesses need DNS protection?

The hackers and criminals are constantly changing the ways they attack small and large businesses. The business size does not matter when it comes to endpoint protection. If the business needs any type of HIPPA, PCI-DSS, FedRamp, or NIST compliance, endpoint protection is a must-have for any business. 

This would be monitored and protected by Xone Labs Inc. with email alerts. 

The endpoint protection runs the on Google Cloud Platform

The endpoint protection runs on the Google Cloud platform (GCP) for increased security, performance, and availability. This automatically includes the Google's enabled DoS system for prevention and mitigation system to stop the internet traffic before it infects the devices. 

“We're a small and growing tech company with high expectations. We look forward to meeting you and protecting your team from malware and malicious internet sites. We will help you define your goals, develop solutions - and realize them! Let's get started!

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